News Economics

Gender Inequality Persists with Age

A new study by researchers at the University of Singapore has found that while women in OECD countries tend to live longer than men, they

 News Biology

Single Gene Boosts Mouse Intelligence

The question of why humans are more intelligent than other living beings has long been a topic of scientific inquiry. One possible answer is that

 News Medicine

Ketamine treatment erases traumatic memories.

A new study conducted by scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria has found that a combination of ketamine and 60-hertz light

 News Medicine

Chestnut Leaf Molecule Fights Hospital Germs

A newly discovered molecule found in chestnut leaves may provide a solution to treating MRSA infections without promoting the development of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria. MRSA,

 News Biology

Elephants suck water at 540 km/h

Elephants are known for their impressive trunks, which can be used for a variety of tasks. Researchers at Zoo Atlanta recently conducted an experiment to

 News Environment

EU politicians demand end to petrol and diesel cars by 2035.

The European Union (EU) has set a goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, which requires a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve

 News Environment

Massive Slime Drifts off Turkish Coast

The Turkish Marmara Sea is facing a severe environmental crisis due to the excessive production of algae, resulting in a thick slime that covers the

 News Environment

First Evidence of Human-Caused Climate Change

For the first time, scientists have provided direct evidence of the impact of human activity on the Earth’s energy balance and, consequently, on climate change.

 News Medicine

Living to 150: Is it Possible?

A new study has shed light on how long humans could potentially live with modern technology, and what the limits are. Heart disease, strokes, and

 News Medicine

Human Genome Decoded Completely

In 2001, several research groups announced that they had decoded 92% of the human genome, a milestone for biomedical research and science as a whole.