News Environment

Shortened Danube by 134 km.

The Danube River, the second-longest river in Europe, has been shortened by 134 kilometers due to human intervention, according to a recent study. Additionally, only

 News Medicine

Irregular Blood Flow Discovered

A new study by researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST-Austria) has found that blood flows much more turbulently than previously thought.

 News Archeology

17th Century Metal Coffin Unearthed

A strange metal container was discovered by workers during excavation for a residential building in Litzlberg, Austria. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be

 News Geology

Earthquake in Cologne? Disaster scenario simulated.

A potential earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 could destroy ten thousand buildings and kill over a thousand people in Cologne, Germany. The lack of

 News Environment

Global Map of Wind and Solar Power Plants

A new map based on OpenStreetMap data is now available, showing the global presence of photovoltaic and wind power plants. The data is intended to

 News Medicine

Successful Gene Therapy for Color Blindness

A new gene therapy has been developed that allows adults with complete color blindness (achromatopsia) to see more clearly and recognize colors. The treatment has

 News Medicine

Pandemic-Capable Influenza Virus Detected in Germany

A recent study conducted by the United Nations has revealed that animal diseases are increasingly being transmitted to humans. This is due to the exchange

 News Chemistry

Stinky Durian Linked to New Amino Acid

The Durian fruit, known for its creamy flesh and unique taste, is a popular delicacy in Southeast Asia. However, it is also infamous for its

 News Medicine

Alcohol Boosts Brain Cell Diffusion

Regular alcohol consumption can lead to changes in the brain that cause the happiness hormone dopamine to spread more strongly, which can lead to addiction

 News Medicine

The Aging Population: Why?

The people of Germany are living longer than ever before, thanks to advancements in medicine and technology. However, this increase in life expectancy is not