News Biology

Unknown Animal Species Found in Amber

In a rare discovery, scientists at Oregon State University have found a new species of animal that does not fit into any known group. The

 News Geology

Meteor Impact Sparks Life Below Ground

Bacteria have been found to live 620 meters below the Earth’s surface in the Siljan meteorite crater in Sweden, according to a study of core

 News Archeology

Beer brewed from 5000-year-old yeast

Archaeologists have made a fascinating discovery in Israel, proving that the Natufien people were brewing beer over 13,000 years ago. The evidence was found in

 News Medicine

Obesity Increases Lung Fat and Asthma

Obesity is known to increase the risk of various health problems, including asthma. According to a study conducted by Duke University, children with obesity have

 News Environment

Climate Change Alters Ocean Phytoplankton

The changing climate is affecting the distribution of phytoplankton in the oceans, altering the color of the water and impacting the ocean’s food chain. The

 News Archeology

13,000-Year-Old Beer Brewing Traces Found in Israel

Archaeologists from Stanford University have discovered evidence of beer-making dating back 13,000 years in the Rakefet Caves in Israel. This is the oldest evidence of

 News Environment

CO2 destroys cooling ocean clouds.

The rising levels of atmospheric CO2 pose a significant threat to the earth’s cooling systems, particularly the stratocumulus clouds. These clouds cover about 20% of

 News Chemistry

Powerful Natural Substance Beats Detergent

The soil fungus Mortierella alpina has been found to produce natural surfactants that outperform traditional chemical products. This discovery could lead to the development of

 News Archeology

Bronze Age Zinnhandel between Asia and Europe

A recent study by the University of Heidelberg has revealed that a complex trading system connected Asia and Europe over 4,000 years ago. The study

 News Medicine

Mind and Body Age Revealed

A person’s biological age can differ significantly from their chronological age due to various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and health conditions. Researchers at Duke