News Economics

Global Air Traffic Growth Declines

The rapid growth of air travel in recent years has slowed down significantly due to economic uncertainties that prevent airlines from investing. According to the

 News Physics

First-ever photo of quantum photon coupling

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists at the University of Glasgow have captured the first-ever photograph of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that Einstein famously referred to

 News Archeology

Nebra Sky Disc Reexamined

New investigations along the Adriatic coast may finally answer two important questions about the mysterious Nebra Sky Disk found in Germany. The Nebra Sky Disk

 News Medicine

Neglect of Dental Check-Ups Worldwide

The world is facing a dental crisis, with 3.5 billion people suffering from oral health problems due to high sugar consumption, poor oral hygiene, and

 News Biology

Discovery of Hobbit-like Human Species in the Philippines

Forget Ebay and other forms of advertising for your property that costs you hard earned money. Why not do it all for free?

 News Environment

Artificial Snowmaking to Prevent West Antarctic Melting

A team of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has proposed a seemingly crazy idea to prevent the impending collapse of

 News Medicine

Grape Juice Prevents Muscle Loss in Space

Resveratrol, a compound found in grapes, has been shown to prevent muscle wasting in rats during low-gravity conditions. This discovery could potentially help astronauts on

 News Technology

Run to Power: Biomechanical Energy Collector

A flexible carbon strip that generates electricity from knee movements during running has been developed by scientists at the American Institute of Physics (AIP). The

 News Physics

Liquid Permanent Magnet from Iron Nanoparticles

Scientists have created the world’s first liquid permanent magnet using iron oxide nanoparticles. This new material could potentially be used in robotics in the future.

 News Economics

High Rents Push Germans Below Poverty

The rapidly increasing rents in Germany are putting a strain on low-income households, who are spending up to 46% of their income on housing. To