News Medicine

Effective Radiofrequency Therapy for Herniated Discs

A new Italian study has found that radiofrequency therapy can effectively and sustainably relieve pain caused by herniated discs. In Germany alone, around 180,000 people

 News Technology

Heat-Powered Air Conditioning System

Revolutionary Cooling Device Uses Heat Instead of Electricity and Chemicals As global temperatures continue to rise, air conditioning units are becoming increasingly necessary. However, these

 News Psychology

No Home Advantage in Football Rematch

According to a recent study, there is almost no home advantage in professional football anymore. The increasing professionalism and psychological support of players mean that

 News Biology

Denisovan fossil found at 3,280m

A recent analysis of a bone found in 1980 has revealed that the Denisovan people, a now-extinct cousin of modern humans, not only lived in

 News Medicine

Spinach Doping Boosts Muscle Mass

Spinach, the vegetable famously known for its association with Popeye the Sailor Man, has been found to contain a natural steroid called Ecdysterone that can

 News Medicine

Coffee activates brown fat for weight loss.

Coffee May Help with Weight Loss and Reduce Risk of Diabetes Coffee, the most popular beverage in Germany with an annual per capita consumption of

 News Geology

Massive Atlantic Groundwater Reservoir Discovered

Geologists from the Earth Institute at Columbia University have discovered one of the largest freshwater reservoirs on Earth off the coast of the United States.

 News Environment

Lab-grown meat not more eco-friendly

In-Vitro Meat May Not Be Better for the Climate Than Traditional Beef In-vitro meat, also known as lab-grown meat, is artificially produced meat from cultivated

 News Medicine

Smartphone Use Alters Human Bones

A recent study conducted by the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia has found that excessive use of smartphones can lead to the development

 News Chemistry

Bacteria turn CO2 into plastic and fuel

Scientists at the University of Colorado have developed a Bio-Nano hybrid that uses microbes to produce carbon-containing products such as plastic and gasoline from CO2,