News Medicine

Revival of Brain Cells After Death

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at Yale School of Medicine have managed to partially revive a pig’s brain four hours after its death. Using the

 News Medicine

Human gene inserted into monkey brain

Chinese and American scientists have successfully implanted the human gene MCPH1 into the brains of Rhesus monkeys. The gene is responsible for brain development, and

 News Environment

Diesel cleaner than electric cars.

A recent study by the ifo Institute has found that electric cars, such as the Tesla Model 3, produce more CO2 emissions than comparable diesel

 News Medicine

Cannabis users require more anesthesia

A recent study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association has found that individuals who regularly consume cannabis, large amounts of alcohol, or

 News Medicine

3D-Printed Human Tissue Heart

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at Tel Aviv University have created a prototype of an artificial heart using 3D printing technology. The heart is made

 News Medicine

New drug suppresses peanut allergy.

A new breakthrough in the treatment of food allergies has been announced by scientists at the University of Notre Dame. The team has developed a

 News Medicine

Longer Life with Coffee Consumption

A recent study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal suggests that coffee consumption may have a life-extending effect. The study analyzed data from approximately

 News Biology

White Shark with Mercury Protection

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the University of Miami have discovered that despite high levels of heavy metals in their blood, wild white sharks

 News Biology

How Mosquitoes Find Their Prey

Biologists have discovered an important mechanism in mosquitoes that allows them to find their victims. By deactivating a specific scent receptor, the mosquitoes’ biting activity

 News Medicine

Baldness hits small men: gene study

A recent study conducted by the University of Bonn has identified gene variants that increase the risk of early hair loss and prostate cancer in