News Technology

Bringing History to Life with 3D Scanning

Experience historical world heritage sites in Scotland and soon in Bavaria in 3D on your smartphone and online. People with smartphones in hand are wandering

 News Biology

Mysterious Asian Lion Killing Spree

A mysterious death toll among Asian lions in India’s Gir National Park has left park officials and scientists baffled. Over the past few weeks, at

 News Geology

Tenerife Drifts Towards Gran Canaria

A powerful earthquake that struck the South Korean port city of Pohang on November 15, 2015, was caused by geothermal drilling, according to a joint

 News Chemistry

New Super-Material Discovered by Researchers

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a new building material that is lighter than plastic and

 News Archeology

Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found in Black Sea

In a remarkable archaeological discovery, researchers have found what is believed to be the oldest intact shipwreck at the bottom of the Black Sea. The

 News Technology

Internet Speeds May Increase 100x

Australian researchers have developed a technology that could potentially increase internet speeds by up to 100 times using existing fiber optic networks. The team, led

 News Medicine

Treat Arthritis without Surgery: Orthokin Therapy

Arthritis is the most common joint disease, affecting around two million people in Germany alone. According to the German Arthritis Foundation, 50% of arthritis cases

 News Chemistry

Elemental Fluor Found in Nature

In a surprising discovery, researchers have found small amounts of elemental fluorine in a mineral called fluorspar, contradicting the long-held belief that this highly reactive

 News Physics

Turning Light into Matter

Physicists at a British laboratory are attempting to prove a theory that has been considered unprovable for over 80 years: that light can be converted

 News Technology

Mercedes warns of high-crime No-Parking-Areas

Mercedes Benz to Equip Future Models with App to Warn Drivers of High Crime Areas Luxury cars are popular, unfortunately, not just among car enthusiasts