News Technology

Intelligent Parking at Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt Airport has introduced a new parking system that allows passengers to use their smartphones or smartwatches as parking tickets. This new system aims to

 News Medicine

New neurons discovered in human brain

In a groundbreaking discovery, American scientists have found previously unknown neurons in the human brain’s cortex. The function of these neurons is still unclear, but

 News Economics

Top Countries for Living and Working Abroad

The decision to leave one’s home country and start a new life in a foreign land can be motivated by various reasons. However, not all

 News Technology

Google’s AI fights child abuse.

Google Develops AI Software to Combat Child Abuse Images Google has developed a new software that uses artificial neural networks to identify child abuse images

 News Biology

New jellyfish species spreading in Baltic

A new species of jellyfish appears to be spreading in the Baltic Sea. Biologists from the University of Greifswald have discovered several specimens of the

 News Technology

Record-breaking data transfer via fiber optic cable

Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark have developed a new energy-efficient fiber optic cable that boasts an impressive transmission rate of 661 TBit/s. While

 News Biology

Vegan Shark: Not Just Meat-Eater

A recent experiment has confirmed a long-held suspicion among biologists: the bonnethead shark is not a pure carnivore and enjoys eating seagrass. The bonnethead shark

 News Medicine

Energy drinks harm blood vessels.

Medical experts warn that consuming just one energy drink can lead to a change in the endothelial function of blood vessels, increasing the risk of

 News Chemistry

Bend Small Diamonds Like Rubber

Diamonds, known for their strength and durability, have been found to be flexible and able to change their properties when reduced to nanoscale size. Researchers

 News Chemistry

Creating Hydrogen from Sunlight

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at St. John’s College, Cambridge University have successfully altered the process of photosynthesis to produce large amounts of hydrogen and