News Technology

Invisibility through precise counter-radiation

Incredible as it may sound, a counter-light beam could be used to make objects disappear optically. A precise counter-radiation causes an optical cloaking effect in

 News Biology

Once-a-Year Frog Unveiled

In the rainforests of India, biologists have discovered a peculiar species of frog that spends most of its life underground and only emerges once a

 News Medicine

Vaccine for Cavities Developed

Chinese researchers have successfully developed a vaccine against the bacteria responsible for causing tooth decay, which could potentially help millions of people worldwide. The Wuhan

 News Technology

New speed bumps target speeders

Innovative Speed Bumps with Non-Newtonian Fluid to Revolutionize Road Safety Speed bumps on roads are a necessary evil to deter reckless drivers from speeding. However,

 News Environment

Rising sea levels swallow islands

The global warming and rising sea levels have already swallowed at least eight Pacific islands. The future for numerous smaller island nations does not look

 News Biology

Paradox Method Protects Reindeer Successfully

The population of caribou in North America is declining due to the increasing number of wolves. However, a recent study has shown that the solution

 News Biology

Tasmanian Tiger: Not Extinct?

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been considered extinct since 1936. However, recent alleged sightings of the animal have prompted researchers to

 News Medicine

Toxicity from prolonged denture adhesive use.

A 62-year-old man from the UK was admitted to a hospital with severe pain and numbness in his legs. He had not left his apartment

 News Biology

New toxins discovered in cave crabs

A team of international researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery about Remipedia, a type of crustacean. These creatures, which resemble land-dwelling centipedes, live primarily in

 News Technology

Multi-Bit Photon Signals Transmitted

In a groundbreaking experiment, researchers have successfully transmitted a quantum signal with multiple bits per photon through the air. The manipulated photon was sent over