News Medicine

Cause of Tourette Syndrome Discovered

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the search for a cure for Tourette Syndrome, a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by sudden muscle twitches and obscene

 News Technology

Precision Watches with Quartz Technology

Revolutionary research in the field of silicon technology and quartz processing has led to the production of modern watches of the highest quality, which run

 News Psychology

Daydreaming improves brain connectivity.

Daydreaming is not always a sign of a faulty system. In fact, researchers have found that allowing our thoughts to wander can be beneficial. Concentration

 News Biology

Revamp Dinosaur Family Tree: Researchers Urge

A recent study by British paleontologists has fundamentally challenged the stable family tree of dinosaurs that has been in place for almost a century. The

 News Physics

Negative Mass Reverses Atom’s Gravity

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at Washington State University have created negative mass by manipulating a Bose-Einstein condensate with lasers. This achievement could lead to

 News Archeology

Unknown Rooms Found in Cheops Pyramid

Archaeologists have discovered evidence of two possible chambers within the Cheops Pyramid using state-of-the-art measurement methods. Further measurements are needed to determine whether these are

 News Biology

What do cats say with ‘meow’?

A recent study conducted by a cat lover and expert in phonetics, Susanne Schötz, aims to explore the possibility of communication between humans and cats.

 News Biology

Dramatic Decline of African Forest Elephants

The number of forest elephants in Gabon has decreased to only 25,000, according to American researchers. In 2001, the forest elephant was recognized as a

 News Medicine

Nano Patches for Weight Loss?

A new study has found that weight loss can be achieved without diet or exercise, thanks to a specially developed nanotech patch. Researchers from Columbia

 News Environment

Scientists predict humanity’s downfall.

The world is facing a crisis as humanity consumes more resources than the Earth can provide, and the planet’s wealth is unequally distributed. Researchers from