News Physics

Scientists Create Antimatter Beam

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists at the CERN particle research center have successfully generated a beam of antimatter. Antimatter beams are a familiar concept in

 News Biology

Mites as stowaways on planes.

Millions of people travel by air for business or leisure, but they are not the only passengers on board. Scientists have discovered that mites are

 News Medicine

Non-human genes found in DNA.

In a groundbreaking discovery, British researchers have found that some of our genes are not entirely human. Instead, they originate from microorganisms and were transferred

 News Medicine

Proven Effectiveness of Schuessler Salts

Alternative medicine has always been a topic of debate, and one such product that has been polarizing is the Schüssler Salts, discovered by Dr. Wilhelm

 News Biology

Why dogs always spill when drinking

When dogs drink, they make a lot of noise and often leave the surrounding area wet. American fluid dynamicists have now discovered why this is

 News Medicine

Matcha Tea: Japan’s Health Wonder

Matcha tea, originally created over 750 years ago by Buddhist monks as a relaxation drink during Japanese tea ceremonies, is now considered a healthy alternative

 News Medicine

Fat Cells: Key to Immune System

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery about the role of fat cells in the body. It turns out that subcutaneous fat tissue, or adipose tissue,

 News Biology

Snail Teeth: Nature’s Strongest Material

The tiny teeth of the limpet snail have been discovered to be the hardest biological material known to man. These small teeth are comparable in

 News Technology

Artificial Sky Named Light Source of the Year

In a historic moment, a train has broken the speed record by reaching over 600 kilometers per hour. The Japanese Maglev train has broken its

 News Biology

GMO Corn Causes More Than Liver Damage

Shocking results have emerged from a study conducted by biologists at the National Research Center in Cairo, which tested genetically modified maize and soy on