News Medicine

Soap Linked to Liver Damage and Cancer

Chemicals are present in many of the products we use daily, including hygiene products like soap, toothpaste, deodorants, and cosmetics. While these products are meant

 News Medicine

Green-lipped mussel aids arthritis patients.

A new community study has found that the mussel oil extract PCSO-524, derived from the New Zealand green-lipped mussel, has a pain-relieving effect on arthritis

 News Psychology

Boost Learning with Action Video Games

The negative perception of video games is a common one, but the positive effects of digital games are also well-known. For example, puzzle games can

 News Psychology

Drawing skills predict future intelligence.

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Medicine

Rainforest Fruit Kills Cancer Quickly.

Australians have discovered a rainforest fruit that kills 75% of tumors in animal trials within minutes. The Fontainea picrosperma, also known as Fountains Blushwood, is

 News Biology

Scent of Women Calms Minds

New scientific findings suggest that aggressive behavior in fruit flies can be compared to that of humans. The presence of female counterparts has a significant

 News Technology

Neutralizing Smog with Roof Tiles

In a world that is becoming increasingly complex, solutions to problems that are simple and easy to implement deserve special attention. This is the case

 News Physics

First detection of pp-neutrinos by Borexino

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists have successfully frozen individual components of light and manipulated them to form a new structure. This discovery has the potential

 News Psychology

The Face of Anger: Changes and Causes

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Geology

Bridgmanite: Earth’s Most Common Mineral

Geologists have long known the most common rock on Earth as Silicate-Perovskite, a theoretical rock that was only found beneath the Earth’s surface. Scientists believed