News Medicine

One Neuron for Every Face

The ability to recognize faces is different from simply seeing them with our eyes. While we use visual perception for information input, familiar faces are

 News Biology

Theoretical Immortality of Yeast Cells

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute have made a remarkable discovery about a type of yeast that can rejuvenate with every cell division, making it

 News Technology

Wireless Antenna Powers Devices

Wireless Power Technology Developed by German Researchers Everyone has experienced the frustration of tangled cords and cables. Not only are they unsightly, but they can

 News Physics

Six-Quark Exotic Matter Confirmed

Physicists have made a groundbreaking discovery by detecting exotic matter made up of six quarks, a significant step forward in particle physics. Normal matter is

 News Psychology

Full Moon Not to Blame

For centuries, many people around the world have believed that the full moon is responsible for restless nights and poor sleep. However, a recent study

 News Biology

Creating Artificial Life: Biologists’ Breakthrough

In a groundbreaking experiment, biologists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have successfully created artificial chromosomes in the lab. This is a significant step towards

 News Physics

Creating New Matter from Light

British physicists are attempting to create matter from light using a photon accelerator based on the Breit-Wheeler theory. The theory, developed by Gregory Breit and

 News Biology

Dogs rely on colors more

Dogs primarily use color information over brightness to complete certain tasks, according to new research from Russian scientists. Despite having a much poorer color vision

 News Physics

Mini Fusion Reactor Achieves Laser-Induced Fusion

In a groundbreaking laser experiment, scientists have achieved a major milestone in the quest to build a functioning fusion reactor. The experiment involved heating a

 News Technology

Flying planes with just thoughts

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Technical University of Munich have successfully demonstrated that a pilot can land an aircraft using only their thoughts.