News Psychology

Facebook Alters Our Brain

A new study from the UK suggests that social media platforms like Facebook are causing us to lose our individuality and revert to childlike thinking.

 News Medicine

Too much meat: 40g daily

A recent European study has found that consuming just 40 grams of meat per day dramatically increases the risk of developing serious cardiovascular diseases or

 News Biology

Mystery of Unknown Viruses’ DNA

French researchers have discovered a new giant virus that surpasses all previously known giant viruses. However, the researchers are puzzled because the genes of the

 News Biology

Mobile Radiation Prevents Plant Germination

A simple school experiment is raising new questions about whether mobile phone radiation may have harmful effects on humans. Plants, at least, react very sensitively

 News Environment

Mysterious Atmospheric Lightning Captured

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have captured rare images of “sprites” or “kobolds,” a type of lightning that can only be seen from

 News Geology

New Fault Zone Swallows Atlantic Ocean

A new fault zone has been discovered by geologists southwest of Portugal that will eventually cause the Atlantic Ocean to disappear and reunite the continents

 News Environment

Water scarcity worldwide

One-third of the world’s population is currently suffering from a shortage of drinking water. Experts predict that the global demand for water will double by

 News Medicine

Bright Screens Disrupt Sleep

Smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of our daily lives, but a recent study by the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at the Rensselaer

 News Environment

Lab-grown meat: A sustainable solution

Scientists have presented the world’s first burger made from lab-grown meat. The artificial meat is expected to help reduce environmental damage and save resources. Researchers

 News Psychology

Facebook Likes Worth Millions

German researchers from the University of Mainz and the Technical University of Darmstadt have conducted a study on the monetary value of Facebook likes in