News Psychology

Decline in Performance after Elementary School Segregation

A new study from Bavaria has found that dividing students into Hauptschule or Realschule after fourth grade leads to a decline in academic performance. The

 News Technology

JuQueen Supercomputer aids scientists

Europe’s most powerful supercomputer, JuQueen, has been inaugurated at the Jülich Research Center. With a processing power of 5.9 petaflops, or nearly six quadrillion operations

 News Medicine

Altered Genes Trigger Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, affecting mostly older individuals but also younger men. A team of researchers from Germany has discovered

 News Biology

Light disrupts bird mating season

New research has shown that the artificial light from street lamps and buildings in cities affects the mating season of birds. According to the study,

 News Biology

Rare Bacteria Create Tiny Gold Nuggets

In a remarkable discovery, Canadian scientists have found that a bacterium called Delftia acidovorans can transform harmful gold ions into tiny gold nuggets. The bacteria

 News Psychology

Bedroom Bondage: Happy and Healthy

BDSM: Healthy and Happy Sexual Practitioners Many people view BDSM sexual practices negatively, often accompanied by terms such as “perverted,” “abnormal,” or “disturbed.” However, a

 News Psychology

Positive Social Impact of Hero-based Video Games

A new study conducted by researchers at Stanford University has found that playing hero characters in video games can have a positive impact on social

 News Environment

Caribbean Coral Reefs in Danger

The beautiful coral reefs of the Caribbean are in danger, according to British researchers who have found that many of the corals are no longer

 News Medicine

Placebo Research: Medical Experts’ Conclusion

Medical researchers have confirmed that placebos, including medications without active ingredients and empathetic doctors, can help alleviate patients’ pain. This week, numerous international medical professionals

 News Medicine

Prostate Cancer Treatment Study Launched

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men in Germany. A new large-scale study involving 7,600 patients aims to compare and evaluate