News Medicine

Prostate Cancer Treatment Study Launched

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men in Germany. A new large-scale study involving 7,600 patients aims to compare and evaluate

 News Biology

Playing Dead: Baby Sharks’ Survival Tactic

In a fascinating discovery, researchers from the University of Western Australia have found that even shark embryos possess a survival instinct. The young of the

 News Technology

Mind Control: Devices Controlled by Thoughts

The future is looking bright for those who dream of controlling their devices with their thoughts. Scientists from around the world have been working tirelessly

 News Medicine

Measles virus fights cancer

German researchers may have found a way to defeat cancer using modified measles viruses to target cancer cells. The scientists at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut in Germany

 News Biology

Black Piranha: Stronger Bite than T-Rex

The black piranha, a small fish found in the Brazilian Amazon, has been found to have a bite force 30 times stronger than its body

 News Medicine

Plant beats drugs for malaria

A new study conducted by American researchers has found that dried and crushed leaves of the Artemisia plant are significantly more effective in combating malaria

 News Technology

Replacing Humans with Robots?

The shortage of skilled workers in the German elderly care sector has led to numerous companies researching different types of care robots. However, can these

 News Biology

Surviving Bacteria in Antarctic Darkness

In a groundbreaking discovery, American scientists have found living microorganisms under the thick ice sheet of Lake Vida in Antarctica. These bacteria have been completely

 News Medicine

Gout gene identified by researchers

A team of over 220 researchers has successfully identified the genes responsible for triggering the metabolic disorder, gout, after years of hard work. The researchers

 News Medicine

New type of human brain cells discovered

A European research team has made a groundbreaking discovery of a previously unknown type of cell in the human brain. These nerve cells regulate heart