News Environment

EU Commission to Ease GMO Rules

The European Commission (EC) is considering allowing the sale of certain genetically modified foods without labeling. However, parts of the German government are against the

 News Medicine

Artificial Embryo Created Without Egg and Sperm

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Cambridge have created an artificial human embryo without the use of an egg or sperm. The

 News Medicine

Sea Cucumbers Prevent Diabetes

Seegurken, also known as Holothuria scabra, have been found to prevent the formation of glycation end products (AGEs) and potentially lower the risk of diabetes.

 News Technology

Floating City Designed for 40,000

A floating city for 40,000 people has been designed by architects, with a focus on serving as a health center. The Dogen City, created by

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Dog Bite Risk

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent. A recent study by the Potsdam

 News Environment

Reduce German gas consumption with heat pumps.

Germany is heavily reliant on the combustion of fossil fuels to generate heat. However, the use of climate-neutral heat sources such as geothermal and solar

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen Production from Seawater

Innovative Double Membrane System Produces Hydrogen from Salty Seawater Scientists from Stanford University, the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Oregon,

 News Astronomy

Radio bursts double in known quantity.

Astronomers have long been puzzled by Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), also known as Radioblitze, which originate from distant regions of the universe outside of the

 News Medicine

Hydrogel Mask Improves Burn Treatment

A new hydrogel mask created by 3D printing technology has been developed to reduce the pain and speed up the healing process for burn patients

 News Biology

Glyphosate Causes Heart and Brain Malformations

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Ulm has found that the controversial herbicide glyphosate, even without its additional ingredients, can cause