News Economics

Robots to Contribute to Pension Fund

The latest figures show that there is a huge deficit in the German pension fund. To address this issue, politicians are proposing that robots should

 News Economics

Jobless or Unhappy at Work?

The traditional notion of a high salary and a successful career being the ultimate goal in the workplace may no longer hold true for the

 News Medicine

Energy Drinks: Harmful to Kids?

Energy drinks have been found to cause various mental and physical health problems in children, with high consumption even being associated with later drug addiction.

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Against Colds

A Covid-19 vaccination can lead to cross-immunization that protects against seasonal coronaviruses, according to a recent study. While this effect may not completely prevent a

 News Technology

AI reduces traffic light wait times.

In Lemgo, Germany, a team of scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) have developed an intelligent traffic light

 News Technology

Supergrid: Halving Electricity Costs

A fully interconnected European energy transmission system, known as the Supergrid, could potentially reduce electricity costs by up to 48 percent. Recent years have seen

 News Technology

Accelerate Walking with Moonwalker Shoes

A new solar panel has set a world record for producing green hydrogen completely autonomously. Scientists at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) have been

 News Environment

Record-breaking ocean warming

The human-induced climate change has led to a new heat record in the world’s oceans, resulting in an increase in extreme weather events and rising

 News Biology

Fossilized Hairy Snail Found in Amber

A new species of snail with hair has been discovered in a piece of amber from Myanmar, dating back to 99 million years ago during

 News Technology

China’s Maglev Sled Sets Speed Record

China has developed a new technology that could revolutionize the way aircraft carriers launch planes. The Chinese army has opened a research center in Jinan