News Physics

Generating Electricity from Humidity with Nanomaterials

A new generator made from a nanomaterial with micropores can now harness energy from humidity in the air. Developed in China, this system can power

 News Physics

Helion Energy to Launch Fusion Power Plant by 2028

Helion Energy, a start-up company, has announced its plans to achieve net energy production through nuclear fusion by 2024 and to operate a fusion power

 News Physics

Quasiparticles Enable Ultra-Bright Light Sources

Physicists have discovered a simpler method to generate ultrabright light, also known as coherent light, which could potentially be used in medicine. Currently, ultrabright light

 News Physics

Self-healing synthetic diamond

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Physics

Plasma Gun Freezes with Precision

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Virginia have developed a cold plasma gun that can cool surfaces for a few microseconds. Plasma,

 News Physics

Are We Living in a Simulation?

Physicist Explores the Hypothesis of a Simulated Universe According to the hypothesis of a simulated universe, humans do not live in a real reality but

 News Physics

China achieves breakthrough in nuclear fusion

China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), also known as China’s artificial sun, has achieved a new breakthrough in nuclear fusion. The construction of an industrial

 News Physics

Physicists Confirm Pine’s Demon Phenomenon

Physicists have experimentally confirmed the Pines’ demon phenomenon, a state that occurs when electrons of a metal form a neutral, massless plasmon. The Pines’ demon

 News Physics

Magnet Enhances Light Interactions

Physicists at the City College of New York have discovered that magnets can enhance the interactions of light, potentially leading to technological innovations such as

 News Physics

Sound Waves Transmitted in Vacuum

Physicists at the University of Jyväskylä have experimentally proven that sound waves can be transmitted in a vacuum under certain conditions. This finding challenges the