News Physics

Atom decay proven after 18 trillion years

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have accidentally observed the rarest process in the universe in an underground laboratory. While searching for dark matter, researchers at

 News Physics

Eco-Friendly Magnetic Cooling System Unveiled

Innovative magnetocaloric cooling systems could soon replace traditional chemical refrigerants, according to researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques in Freiburg, Germany. Current

 News Physics

Solved: 100-year-old physics puzzle

A Bachelor’s student of physics has solved a 100-year-old mystery surrounding air bubbles that appear motionless in a narrow glass tube and do not rise

 News Physics

Measuring Neutron Coupling Constant

Physicists have made a breakthrough in understanding the weak axial-vector coupling constant, a fundamental constant in physics that is crucial for understanding the fusion of

 News Physics

Physicists Create New Form of Matter

Physicists from around the world have made a groundbreaking discovery at the Japanese particle accelerator, J-Parc. They have created a new and surprisingly stable form

 News Physics

New Breakthrough in High-Temperature Superconductors

The successful transition to renewable energy sources requires more than just generating electricity from renewable sources. It also requires finding ways to transport electricity over

 News Physics

The Kilogram is Now Tied to a Natural Constant

Physicists from around the world have made a groundbreaking discovery at the Japanese particle accelerator, J-Parc. They have created a new and surprisingly stable form

 News Physics

Powerful Osmosis Power Plants

Chinese scientists have developed a new type of membrane that significantly increases the power output of osmotic power plants. Osmotic power plants generate electricity by

 News Physics

Turning Light into Matter

Physicists at a British laboratory are attempting to prove a theory that has been considered unprovable for over 80 years: that light can be converted

 News Physics

Proton Size Smaller Than Expected

New measurements have revealed that the proton radius is four to five percent smaller than previously thought. This discovery has led scientists to believe that