News Psychology

Infant Brain Categorizes Voices

New research has shown that even at just four months old, babies have a special preference for voices. This is because voices are the most

 News Psychology

Music and Morality: A Connection

Music is a powerful tool that helps us express our emotions, feelings, and beliefs. But did you know that the music you listen to can

 News Psychology

German workers prone to addiction

A recent study conducted by the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) and the Technische Universität Braunschweig on behalf of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS) has revealed that a

 News Psychology

Can Humans Distinguish AI Faces?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in recent years, particularly in generating texts, images, and videos. A study by the New York University Abu

 News Psychology

Nationalist Rhetoric Boosts Right-Wing Parties

Nationalism in political discussions activates latent nationalist views in many people, which affects voting behavior and helps right-wing parties. According to various studies, people who

 News Psychology

Income Boosts Self-Esteem

A higher income can improve one’s perceived self-worth, according to various studies. Researchers from the City, University of London found that comparing salaries with colleagues

 News Psychology

Suppressing negative thoughts improves mental health.

A new study conducted by the University of Cambridge has found that suppressing negative thoughts can actually help individuals with mental health problems. Traditional therapies

 News Psychology

Regretting Parenthood: A Parent’s Confession

The decision to become a parent is one of the most significant in a person’s life. However, how many parents actually regret this decision? And

 News Psychology

Narcissism and Muscle Obsession in Men

The desire for more muscles, known as muscle dysmorphia or “Adonis complex,” is a body dysmorphic disorder that primarily affects men. Those who suffer from

 News Psychology

Social Media Boosts Interest in Plastic Surgery

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have become ubiquitous in the lives of many people. However, a recent study by the Massachusetts