News Psychology

Alcohol can’t chase away negative feelings.

Alcohol is often used by many people to suppress negative emotions. However, according to a study, the drug actually intensifies depressive feelings. Researchers at the

 News Psychology

Quit smoking boosts mental health.

Smoking cessation for just six weeks has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and other physical problems. According to a meta-study conducted by the University

 News Psychology

Intuition reveals infidelity in relationships.

A new study by researchers at Brigham Young University has found that people can accurately detect infidelity in others, even if they don’t know them.

 News Psychology

Psychological Traits of Extremists

A new study by the University of Cambridge has found that individuals with extremist tendencies share a common psychological profile, characterized by low mental capacity.

 News Psychology

Boost Mood with Virtual Forest Walks

Virtual Forest Walks Have Similar Positive Effects on Health and Well-being as Real Shinrin-Yoku Research has shown that Shinrin-Yoku, also known as forest bathing, has

 News Psychology

Lockdown Altered Thought Patterns Dramatically

The lockdown in the UK has led to changes in people’s thought patterns, with individuals thinking less about their fellow human beings and losing their

 News Psychology

Social Robots: Helping Isolation in Lockdown

Social robots could serve as companions for mentally vulnerable individuals during the Covid-19 lockdowns, reducing the effects of social isolation. According to a study by

 News Psychology

Locals and tourists rate restaurants differently.

Restaurants are often judged by tourists and locals based on different criteria, which is important for restaurateurs to consider in their marketing communication. According to

 News Psychology

Clear Purpose = Longer Life

A strong sense of purpose in life can lead to a longer lifespan, according to a recent study by the University of Michigan School of

 News Psychology

Lockdown worsens depression amid Covid-19

The lockdown in the spring had a significant impact on people with depression, and now psychiatrists fear that the current lockdown-light will exacerbate the situation.