News Psychology

Prison Sentences Don’t Prevent Violence

The impact of imprisonment on reducing the rate of violent crime is minimal, according to a study by researchers at the University of California in

 News Psychology

Lithium in Water Reduces Suicide?

Lithium, a light metal commonly used to treat bipolar disorder and mania, has been found to have a preventative effect on suicide. A study published

 News Psychology

Why People Prefer Rounded Numbers

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, USA, has found that people tend to prefer rounded numbers over exact

 News Psychology

Vegetarians have different personalities

Lithium, a light metal commonly used to treat bipolar disorder and mania, has been found to have a preventative effect on suicide. A study published

 News Psychology

257 Years Until Absolute Equality

Germany Still Lags Behind in Gender Equality Germany is still struggling to achieve complete gender equality, and experts predict that it will take some time

 News Psychology

Placebo triggers hallucinogenic drug trip.

The placebo effect is not limited to traditional medication, but also applies to hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. This discovery could lead to better treatment for

 News Psychology

94% Success Rate Divorce Formula

Mathematicians have developed a simple formula that can predict whether a marriage will last or end in divorce. The formula, created by psychology professor John

 News Psychology

Social Recognition vs. Money: Which Matters?

The placebo effect is not limited to traditional medication, but also applies to hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. This discovery could lead to better treatment for

 News Psychology

Coffee aroma boosts math test scores.

The mere smell of coffee can have a significant placebo effect, improving performance in math tests even without the consumption of caffeine. Researchers at the

 News Psychology

Male Researchers Self-Praise More

Male researchers report their own study results more positively than female scientists, leading to more citations and better career opportunities. Despite efforts to prevent gender