News Psychology

Happiness = No Shopping

The advertising industry bombards us with messages every day, telling us what we need to be happy. However, recent research by neuroscientists has shown that

 News Psychology

Lying Kids Increase Under Threats

A recent experiment conducted by Victoria Talwar and her colleagues from McGill University in Montreal has shown that threatening children with negative consequences for lying

 News Psychology

Believers in Conspiracy Theories are Rational

The constant bombardment of advertisements telling us what we need to be happy has led to a society that is constantly consuming. However, recent research

 News Psychology

Boost Learning with Action Video Games

The negative perception of video games is a common one, but the positive effects of digital games are also well-known. For example, puzzle games can

 News Psychology

Drawing skills predict future intelligence.

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Psychology

The Face of Anger: Changes and Causes

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Psychology

Birth Season Affects Personality

Hungarian scientists have conducted a study on the influence of birth season on personality traits. While astrology has long held that birth date is an

 News Psychology

Passenger’s Sleep is Contagious

A new study by sleep researchers has found that passengers on long car journeys should make an effort to stay awake. If the passenger falls

 News Psychology

Full Moon Not to Blame

For centuries, many people around the world have believed that the full moon is responsible for restless nights and poor sleep. However, a recent study

 News Psychology

Dreams and Reality are Identical

Dreaming has always been a mystery to science, but researchers have recently made some important discoveries about how we dream. Michael Schredl, a dream researcher,