News Psychology

Irresistible Cars for Opposite Sex

A recent survey conducted by Deutsche Tamoil GmbH has found that the type and condition of a person’s car can have an impact on their

 News Psychology

Wealthy Homelands = Unhappy Teens

In a surprising twist, a recent study by economists Robert Rudolf and Dirk Bethmann of Korea University has found that the happiness of teenagers decreases

 News Psychology

Reduce Meat Consumption with Shocking Images

A recent study conducted by researchers at Durham University has found that warning labels and graphic images on meat products can significantly reduce the consumption

 News Psychology

Do Short Penises and Fast Cars Correlate?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University College London (UCL) has debunked the common stereotype that men who drive sports cars have small

 News Psychology

Calm screaming babies with ease.

A recent study conducted in Japan has revealed that walking while carrying a baby is the most effective way to calm a crying infant and

 News Psychology

Reducing guilt over meat consumption?

Meatshaming, a practice where food items are labeled with messages such as “An animal died for this piece of meat!” in an effort to reduce

 News Psychology

Why People Believe in Conspiracies?

A recent study by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES) revealed that in Germany, supporters of the far-right party AfD are more likely to believe in conspiracy

 News Psychology

Genetic Link Between Cannabis and Mental Illness

A groundbreaking meta-study conducted by the University of Minnesota has discovered unexpected connections between personality traits and cognitive abilities in humans. The study, which involved

 News Psychology

New Treatment Prevents Chronic Nightmares.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University College London (UCL) has debunked the common stereotype that men who drive sports cars have small

 News Psychology

Antisemitism in Germany persists

Antisemitism is still widespread in Germany, with the attitude being particularly prevalent among AfD voters and Muslims. According to official crime statistics, there were 3,028