News Technology

Knittable Aerogel Fiber for Insulation

Scientists have discovered a new material that could revolutionize the way we insulate our clothing. Aerogels, which are known for their excellent thermal insulation properties,

 News Technology

Thermomantel: Protecting Electric Cars

A new thermomantle developed in China is set to protect electric car batteries from temperature fluctuations, potentially increasing their lifespan. Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong

 News Technology

Privacy a Priority for German Smart Homes

A recent study has revealed that German citizens place a higher value on data privacy in relation to smart home technology than other Europeans. This

 News Technology

Bayern tests hydrogen heating

In a small town in Bavaria, Germany, a unique experiment is set to take place in the summer of 2023. The existing natural gas network

 News Technology

Power companies can limit electric car and heat pump charging

Germany’s low-voltage power grids are not currently equipped to handle the increasing demand for electricity. As a result, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has allowed

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Preparing for Blackouts in German Energy Transition

The possibility of a widespread blackout in Germany’s energy landscape is becoming a growing concern amidst the current energy crisis and conflict in Ukraine. More

 News Technology

Nanofluid Device Generates Power from Seawater

A new energy source has been discovered in the difference in salt concentration between seawater and freshwater. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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New system collects CO? from truck exhausts.

A new system developed by researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (ETHL) could help reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of the

 News Technology

China fights driver fatigue with laser show.

In an effort to combat the high number of accidents caused by driver fatigue and microsleeps, China is testing a new safety system on its

 News Technology

Why ChatGPT isn’t really “intelligent”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) ChatGPT has been proven to outperform humans in many areas. However, a researcher is convinced that the Large Language Model (LLM) is