News Technology

Revolutionary Cooling System for ACs

A new cooling system based on the electrocaloric effect could revolutionize the way we cool our homes and buildings. Currently, about one-fifth of global electricity

 News Technology

Massive Solar Plant Unveiled in UAE

A massive solar power plant has been inaugurated near Abu Dhabi, with the aim of helping the United Arab Emirates (UAE) achieve carbon neutrality by

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Revolutionizing Al Weather Forecasts

Traditional weather forecasts become less accurate as we project further into the future, prompting researchers to seek innovative solutions. In response, a team led by

 News Technology

China tests special material for hypersonic planes.

China has developed a new coating for hyperspeed aircraft that can withstand long flights. Hyperspeed, which is over Mach 5 (6,175 km/h), could revolutionize both

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Voice-based alcohol detection on smartphones.

A new app has been developed that can accurately detect blood alcohol concentration through a person’s voice. The developers claim that this technology can help

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Chatbot Outperforms Humans in Analog Thinking

A new material has been developed that prevents dirt from sticking to toilet bowls, potentially reducing water consumption from flushing. According to scientific estimates, flushing

 News Technology

Ultimate Insult Found by Math Model

Mathematics student Sophie Maclean has used a mathematical model to determine the ultimate insult. Maclean, who is currently studying for her Master of Science in

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Efficient Solar Energy Storage in Rocks

A recent study has shown that solar energy can be efficiently stored in thermal energy storage systems (TES) based on rock, providing a more sustainable

 News Technology

Electric Car Repair Costs Revealed

Electric cars have been touted as a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. However, a recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute

 News Technology

Ultrasonic Kitchen Knife Start-up

Revolutionary Ultrasound Kitchen Knife Developed by Start-Up 369Sonic In a world-first, Czech start-up 369Sonic has developed an innovative kitchen knife that uses ultrasound technology to