Story Biology

Giants Among Rodents

Five-kilogram rats, towering 10 times larger than today’s counterparts, once shared the world with humans. Fossil evidence indicates that these colossal rodents were not only

 Story Biology

Oxygen Levels: A Boost for Alligator Hearts

Curious about how reduced oxygen levels can lead to a stronger and larger heart in alligators? While lack of oxygen during early development harms the

 Story Biology

Homo Naledi: Another Piece in the Human Puzzle

A recent addition to the human evolutionary family, Homo naledi, poses a fascinating enigma. Despite its primitive body structure, this species appears to be much

 Story Biology

A Viral Twist in Neuronal Communication Revealed

Millions of years ago, our DNA encountered viral contamination, resulting in the exchange of genetic material among proteins crucial for long-term memory formation. This viral

 Story Biology

The Tapestry of Human Evolution

“Descended from monkeys?… Let’s hope it’s not true, but if it is, let’s pray that it doesn’t become known to the world.” The Bishop of

 Story Biology

Evolution’s Walk: Pioneering Stride of the Little Skate

A breakthrough discovery reveals genes and nerve cells responsible for walking in humans and other terrestrial animals within a primitive fish, Leucoraja erinacea. This finding

 Story Biology

Signs of Life Beyond Earth’s Borders

Evidence points to the likelihood of life existing beyond our planet. Analysis of ancient microorganisms dating back 3.456 billion years in Western Australia unveils intriguing

 Story Biology

Nucleus Aids Mitochondria in Stressful Times

Tiny cellular structures, known as organelles, are in constant communication, akin to the organs of a cell. The discovery of GPS2, a messenger protein in

 Story Biology

Tracing the Earliest Homo Sapiens Beyond Africa

In a groundbreaking discovery, the potential earliest fossil of a modern human outside Africa has been unearthed in Israel. A fossilized jawbone, recovered from the

 Story Biology

Evolution’s Peculiar Nerve Pathways

The grace and perfection of living organisms may give the impression of meticulous design, but beneath the surface lie imperfections—evolutionary “mistakes” that emerge without the