A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been discovered by scientists at the University of Graz in Austria. Traditional Chinese medicine has been found to contain a substance that can destroy cancer cells without any side effects. The substance, Beta-beta-Dimethylacrylshikonin, was found in the Onosma paniculata plant, which is native to China. The substance was tested on mice with skin cancer, and it was found to be effective in destroying cancer cells. The researchers are now working on modifying the substance to improve its effectiveness. However, further studies are needed before the substance can be used on humans.

The malignant melanoma, also known as black skin cancer, is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. The disease is treatable if detected early, but if the tumor has already spread, the chances of survival are significantly reduced. Traditional cancer treatments have limited effectiveness, especially for patients with metastases. The University of Graz researchers analyzed a range of medicinal plants used in traditional Chinese medicine to find alternative treatments for cancer. They tested 253 extracts from 76 plants and found that Beta-beta-Dimethylacrylshikonin from the Onosma paniculata plant had the potential to destroy cancer cells. The substance disrupts the cell cycle and promotes autophagy and apoptosis, which cause cancer cells to self-destruct.

The researchers conducted tests on mice with skin cancer and found that the substance was effective in destroying cancer cells without any side effects. The researchers are now working on modifying the substance to improve its effectiveness. They have developed a Shikonin derivative that could form the basis of a medication for black skin cancer. However, further studies are needed to determine the most effective method of administering the medication. The Onosma paniculata plant is usually consumed as tea in traditional Chinese medicine, which does not allow the substance to be effective against black skin cancer. The substance is only effective in its isolated form. An alternative method of preparation involves soaking the plant in oil, which allows the substance to be applied to affected skin. The researchers hope that their findings will lead to the development of a new and effective treatment for black skin cancer.

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