The risk of flooding is increasing due to climate change, and Germany is one of the many regions in the world that is particularly vulnerable to floods. The problem of flooding is not limited to Germany, as other countries also suffer from the consequences of extreme floods. The aftermath of floods includes not only deaths and injuries but also significant financial damages and environmental pollution, such as damaged oil tanks. Researchers are warning that the situation will only get worse in the coming years, and they are urging affected regions to take action quickly.

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has conducted an extensive and detailed study on the effects of climate change on river floods. The study, published in the journal Science, reveals that the risk of severe flooding in many areas will increase significantly. The researchers used a complex computer simulation that included data from various sources, such as changes in precipitation and their impact on river levels. The study shows that the United States, parts of India and Africa, Indonesia, and Central Europe, including Germany, will be the most affected by climate-related floods.

The researchers warn that without countermeasures, millions of people will be at risk of severe flooding, and the environmental damage caused by floods will reach new heights. The damage caused by floods is not limited to obvious consequences such as deaths and injuries. It also includes environmental pollution, such as contaminated water from damaged oil tanks and large amounts of fertilizers from warehouses that dissolve in water and enter the environment uncontrollably. The researchers emphasize the urgent need to improve flood protection measures, such as expanding levees, adapting building standards, and relocating entire settlements.

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