Germany is already experiencing the effects of climate change, which are causing damage to the environment, agriculture, and economy, as well as new health problems and heat-related deaths. According to a German study, the only way to stop climate change is through a CO2 tax, which would receive majority support from the population, according to a survey. The recently released monitoring report by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) summarizes the consequences of climate change for Germany.

The report shows that the average air temperature in Germany has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius from 1881 to 2018, which is higher than the global average temperature increase of one degree. The rise in temperatures has been particularly strong in the past five years, with an increase of 0.3 degrees Celsius. The report also highlights that the periodic fluctuations in annual average temperatures, which can last for several years to decades and are influenced by ocean currents, are significantly higher in Germany than the global average. The rise in temperatures is threatening not only the Baltic Sea, where dead zones are forming, but also the food production of humans, and incomes are decreasing in Germany.

The report also shows that the sea levels of the North and Baltic Seas have already risen significantly due to climate change. The average tidal level in Cuxhaven, for example, is currently 5.17 meters, compared to 4.83 meters in 1850. The report also highlights that the frequency of heavy rainfall events lasting 24 hours during the winter has increased by 25 percent in the last 65 years, leading to an increase in flood events. The report concludes that the only way to stop climate change is through a CO2 tax, which would receive majority support from the population, according to a survey.

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