A CO2 price for the use of fossil fuels is the most economically viable option for Germany to become climate neutral by 2045, according to a study by the German Energy Agency (Dena). The German government aims to become a climate-neutral state by 2045, and the study suggests that pricing CO2 emissions is a crucial factor in achieving this goal. The study involved ten scientific institutes and over 70 companies, and aims to provide a practical perspective for the future government. The authors of the study consider a CO2 price for the use of fossil fuels to be particularly important, as it would provide the state with additional revenue that could be invested in subsidies for renewable energy sources.

The study suggests that Germany could achieve its goal of becoming climate neutral by 2045, but only if the country takes new measures in energy and climate policy. The authors of the study emphasize that a CO2 price for the use of fossil fuels is the most cost-effective option for achieving climate neutrality. The increase in existing CO2 prices and the pricing of other emission sources would lead to four main effects that are crucial for achieving climate neutrality. However, the authors of the study also stress that additional measures are necessary, such as support for industries in global competition to partially offset the additional costs.

According to Christoph Schmidt, President of the Research Institute RWI, “It is not just about a CO2 price, much more needs to be done.” In addition to CO2 pricing, other measures are necessary to achieve climate neutrality, such as support for industries in global competition. Andreas Kuhlmann, CEO of Dena, also stresses the importance of an earlier exit from coal-fired power production, which would require significant investments in the coming years, particularly in the rapid expansion of renewable energies. The study provides a practical perspective for the future government, emphasizing the importance of a CO2 price for the use of fossil fuels in achieving climate neutrality.

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