According to recent autopsies conducted by the Federal Association of German Pathologists (BDP), 86 percent of all Covid-19 patients who died in German hospitals did so because of the virus, not with it. While the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports that 9,285 people in Germany have died from Covid-19, critics argue that the official numbers include individuals who tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 but died from other causes. If this were true, it would mean that the official mortality rate is significantly higher than the actual mortality rate of the disease. To address this issue, the BDP analyzed the cause of death of 154 deceased individuals who were infected with Sars-CoV-2. The results showed that in 86 percent of cases, Covid-19 was the cause of death, not underlying health conditions.

The BDP’s findings are significant because they provide a more accurate picture of the impact of Covid-19 on mortality rates. The study revealed that Covid-19 caused significant damage to various organs, including the lungs, heart, liver, and central nervous system. In particular, the virus caused blockages and inflammation of lung capillaries, embolisms and thromboses, and microthrombi. Additionally, the study identified several virus-associated organ damages, such as damage to the immune system, central nervous system, heart, and liver. While it is not entirely clear whether Sars-CoV-2 caused these damages, they were present in a significant number of cases.

The BDP’s study highlights the importance of accurate reporting of Covid-19 deaths. By providing a more precise understanding of the virus’s impact on mortality rates, the study can help inform public health policies and strategies to combat the pandemic. It is crucial to continue conducting autopsies and analyzing the cause of death of Covid-19 patients to gain a better understanding of the virus’s long-term effects on the body.

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