In the midst of the global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, scientists around the world are working tirelessly to find a cure and an effective vaccine. Recently, Canadian scientists have made a significant breakthrough in the search for a vaccine. They have successfully isolated and cloned the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which carries the disease-causing properties of Covid-19, in their laboratory. This virus clone can now be used to test vaccines, medications, and other treatment methods in a controlled environment.

The virus clone can be easily grown in laboratories around the world, allowing for extensive research on SARS-CoV-2. The Canadian scientists obtained the samples from two Canadian patients who had tested positive for the virus. While this breakthrough is significant, the development of a vaccine will still take some time. The Robert Koch Institute has explained that vaccines must be thoroughly tested to ensure they do not harm people. Although bureaucratic hurdles are being lowered worldwide to speed up testing, it still takes time. In the meantime, various medications, including those used to treat HIV and Ebola, are being tested to treat Covid-19.

The Robert Koch Institute is also launching three new medication studies in search of a cure for Covid-19, one of which is particularly promising. While the world waits for a vaccine, this breakthrough in Canada is a significant step forward in the fight against the coronavirus.

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