A breakthrough in treating Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) has been discovered by researchers, offering hope to the millions of women and men who suffer from the condition. HSDD is a medical condition where there is a persistent or recurring lack of sexual desire, causing interpersonal difficulties and discomfort. Despite affecting 10% of women and 8% of men globally, there are currently limited treatment options available. However, scientists at Imperial College London have published two studies that investigate the use of the hormone Kisspeptin to combat sexual dysfunction. Kisspeptin is a hormone released in the human brain that promotes the secretion of other sexual hormones, and is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle in women and puberty in both sexes.

The studies involved 32 women and 32 men who all suffered from HSDD, and were given either Kisspeptin or a placebo injection before being shown neutral and erotic videos. The researchers monitored the participants’ brain activity and documented their neurological, physiological, and hormonal reactions. The results showed that Kisspeptin significantly influenced brain activity in both men and women, with women experiencing increased activity in the hippocampus while watching erotic videos, and men experiencing increased penile stiffness. The studies provide the first evidence that Kisspeptin could be a potentially safe and effective treatment for HSDD in both women and men.

According to Alexander Comninos, despite the high number of people affected by HSDD, there are currently limited treatment options available, and in some cases, attempting treatment can even be harmful. The studies conducted by Imperial College London offer hope for those suffering from HSDD, providing evidence for the development of Kisspeptin treatments as a potentially safe and effective therapy for those with low sexual desire. The researchers plan to continue their work to further explore the potential of Kisspeptin therapy for psychosexual disorders, such as unexplained low libido.

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