An asteroid named 2012 KY3 is currently approaching Earth and is expected to pass by on April 13, 2023. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has classified the asteroid as “potentially hazardous” due to its size, which is between 540 and 1,200 meters in diameter. With a speed of approximately 63,180 km/h (17.55 km/s), the asteroid will pass by at a distance of about 4.8 million kilometers from Earth. While there is no danger of impact, the asteroid’s size has earned it the nickname “Planet Killer.”

The asteroid’s size is what makes it so dangerous. A collision with Earth would cause devastating damage. Other asteroids, such as 2022 AE1 and 2023 DW, are smaller and pose less of a threat. However, 2012 KY3 is not a new discovery. It passes by Earth every few years, and its next close approach will be in September 2025.

Despite its potential danger, there is no need to panic. The asteroid will pass by at a safe distance, and there is no risk of impact. However, it is a reminder of the importance of monitoring near-Earth objects and developing strategies to mitigate the risk of impact. The CNEOS and other organizations are constantly monitoring the skies for potentially hazardous asteroids and developing plans to protect Earth in the event of a collision. As technology advances, we will continue to improve our ability to detect and track these objects, ensuring the safety of our planet.

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