Germany is implementing measures to increase vaccination rates against COVID-19, including offering a first dose to all willing individuals by the end of July 2021. The Robert Koch Institute has set a vaccination target of 85%, which is currently not being met, particularly among those with lower incomes. To incentivize vaccination, a bonus of up to €500 is being discussed. However, Peter Heinz, the head of the Medical Association in Rhineland-Palatinate, has called this idea “absurd” and rejected the notion of mandatory vaccination. Instead, he suggests imposing significant restrictions on the freedoms of unvaccinated individuals to increase their willingness to get vaccinated.

According to Heinz, unvaccinated individuals should not be allowed to remove their masks, attend sporting events or swimming pools, or shop without a mask. Additionally, those with only one dose of the vaccine should not be permitted to travel. Heinz argues that negative PCR tests should not be sufficient to allow travel, as they do not provide complete protection against the virus. He believes that without pressure, people will not be convinced to get vaccinated, and that it is necessary to make it clear that “without vaccination, there are no freedoms.” Heinz does not consider this to be a hidden form of mandatory vaccination, but rather a necessary response to the pandemic.

While the idea of imposing restrictions on unvaccinated individuals may be controversial, it is clear that Germany is taking steps to increase vaccination rates and reach its target of 85%. The debate over incentives versus restrictions will likely continue, but the ultimate goal is to protect public health and prevent the spread of COVID-19. As the pandemic continues to evolve, it is important to stay informed and follow the guidance of public health officials.

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