Dolphins have long been a mystery to researchers due to their mysterious behavior patterns. However, through intensive observation and study, scientists have made some remarkable discoveries. It turns out that dolphins possess exceptional social interaction skills and are even capable of using tools. In particular, researchers have observed dolphins using large sea snail shells as tools to catch their prey.

At first, researchers were puzzled by the dolphins’ behavior. The animals would dive out of the water with large sea snail shells in their mouths, shake them, and then throw them back into the sea. It was unclear what the purpose of this behavior was until Sonja Wild, a biologist from the University of Konstanz, explained that it was a unique fishing technique. The dolphins would swim with the shell in their mouths, catch their prey, and then close the opening of the shell with their mouths before resurfacing and dropping the prey into their mouths.

Wild and her team discovered that dolphins teach each other these techniques and how to use tools. Michael Krützen, a researcher at the University of Zurich, had previously observed dolphins using sponges as tools to protect their sensitive noses from sea urchins and other dangerous encounters. This behavior was passed down from mothers to daughters. However, the latest study shows that dolphins learn tool use for hunting from their peers, not their parents.

Claudia Fichtel, a zoologist from the German Primate Center, is impressed by this finding. She notes that it is unusual for animals to learn behavior patterns from their peers. These discoveries shed new light on the intelligence and social skills of dolphins and highlight the importance of continued research into these fascinating creatures.


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