E-Bikes have been a topic of debate when it comes to their impact on health. However, a recent study has shown that motorized bicycles can have a positive effect on one’s health. Researchers from the Clinic for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at the Medical University of Hanover analyzed data from 1250 Pedelec riders and 629 conventional bicycle riders from 2017 to 2020. The study aimed to determine whether E-Bikes have positive effects on health. The results showed that E-Bikes can promote fitness and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

The study found that the heart rate of Pedelec users was only five beats per minute lower than that of conventional bicycle riders. The data also showed that Pedelec riders replace their cars with their bikes more often than conventional bicycle riders, which is a clear advantage for their health. The Pedelec user group was older, had a higher body mass index (BMI), and was more likely to have pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, or heart disease. The support provided by the motor allows these individuals to increase their activity levels, which is beneficial for their health.

The study also found that Pedelec riders were active for an average of 135 minutes per week, with a significant portion of that time spent on activities that were effective for their health. This level of activity allowed them to achieve two-thirds of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. The Pedelec riders were also found to have a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

In conclusion, the study shows that E-Bikes can have a positive impact on one’s health. The support provided by the motor allows individuals with pre-existing conditions to increase their activity levels, and the data shows that Pedelec riders are active for a significant amount of time each week. The study’s findings provide further evidence that cycling, whether on a conventional or motorized bicycle, is an effective way to promote fitness and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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