Kopenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is planning to introduce a ban on combustion engine vehicles by 2030. This decision has been approved by all parties represented in the city council. The move comes after a study by the Technical University of Munich found that cars are responsible for a significant portion of the externalized costs of urban traffic, including noise and air pollution. The feasibility of the project will be examined by the end of the year, including the expansion of charging facilities and the consideration of social compatibility, which could lead to exemptions for specific groups.

Currently, there are already environmental zones for trucks in Copenhagen, and the planned combustion engine ban is expected to be implemented in a similar way. The Danish parliament has already allowed municipalities to introduce emissions-free zones exclusively for environmentally friendly vehicles, but this regulation has not yet come into effect due to practical challenges in implementation. The decision on whether to implement the combustion engine ban will be made no earlier than next winter, when the results of the feasibility study are available.

Mads Rørvig, CEO of the Danish Association of Car Importers, is relaxed about the plans, stating that electric cars are likely to dominate the market in the future, making it natural for Copenhagen to mandate this change. The move towards a combustion engine ban is in line with Copenhagen’s reputation as a global leader in cycling infrastructure and sustainable urban development.

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