Natural bioactive molecules have been found to effectively alleviate cold and flu symptoms by restoring mucosal immunity. According to a study presented at the American Chemical Society’s Fall Meeting by researchers from Applied Biological Laboratories Inc., the efficacy and side effects of these molecules are significantly better than those of common cough and cold medications. The study found that the mucosal immunity of humans protects them from pathogens that cause colds and flu. When a person is infected, mucosal immunity and barrier function strongly influence the course of the disease.

The team led by Dr. Nazlie Sadeghi-Latefi discovered that natural bioactive molecules can be used for both prevention and treatment of colds and flu. They also compared the effects and side effects of common cough and cold medications with those of natural bioactive molecules using in vitro models of the respiratory mucosal barrier. The study found that common cough and cold medications often damage the mucosal barrier and exacerbate inflammation, increasing the risk of infection and worsening flu and cold symptoms. Furthermore, Dr. Smith Johnston, a clinical lecturer at the University of Texas, noted that many over-the-counter cold and flu medications lack clinical study results on their efficacy and safety because they were approved before strict clinical testing was required.

The main inflammatory signal in respiratory inflammation and cold symptoms is prostaglandin production via COX enzymes. According to Applied Biological Laboratories Inc., a combination of lysozyme, lactoferrin, and plant-derived acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) has a stronger anti-inflammatory effect than conventional COX inhibitors. These biomolecules have great potential in alleviating cold and flu symptoms. Additionally, lactoferrin and lysozyme strengthen mucosal barriers, while many cold and flu medications damage them. In a clinical study, the treatment groups experienced significant symptom relief by the second day, while the placebo group showed no improvement. No side effects were observed in the subjects. These results are of great significance given the large number of people affected by colds and flu each year.

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