Germany is set to experience a significant increase in electricity consumption in the coming years due to the rising number of electric cars and heat pumps. As a result, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is proposing to allow network operators to throttle electricity for controllable consumption devices. These devices, such as charging stations for electric cars and heat pumps, have a significantly higher power output than regular household appliances, leading to power spikes. Most low-voltage networks in Germany are not designed to handle this increased demand, according to Klaus Müller, President of BNetzA. To address this issue, the BNetzA has included provisions for “network-oriented control” in the amendment to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The agency plans to decide on the regulations that will apply from 2024 by the fall of 2023.

The BNetzA’s proposal allows network operators to throttle electricity consumption by controllable devices if there is an acute threat or overload to the network. However, a complete shutdown is not planned. The agency intends to ensure that network operator interventions remain the exception and are only allowed as a last resort and to the extent necessary. The proposal specifies that even with throttling, a minimum power output of 4.2 kilowatts must be available, which is sufficient to operate heat pumps and slowly charge electric cars. The BNetzA’s proposal also includes an incentive system for electricity customers to help prevent network overload. Consumers who charge their electric cars during periods of low demand may be able to save money through a time-dependent network usage fee provided by the network operator.

The BNetzA’s proposal takes into account the suggestions of various interest groups, including the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) and the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations. The plan also includes the introduction of different time zones with three price levels for the applicable network usage fees, which will be determined annually. The BNetzA’s proposal aims to ensure that electric cars and heat pumps can continue to operate without interruption while maintaining network stability.

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