Electric cars have been touted as a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. However, a recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI) found that the Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) of electric cars are lower than those of comparable gasoline-powered cars. But a new analysis by the German Insurance Association (GDV) has revealed that repairs for electric cars are significantly more expensive than those for gasoline-powered cars.

According to Jörg Asmussen, the GDV’s head of insurance, repairs for electric cars are on average 30 to 35 percent more expensive than those for comparable gasoline-powered cars. The higher costs are primarily due to damage to the expensive batteries, which can result in longer storage times in fireproof containers to prevent battery fires. This can lead to more economic write-offs than with gasoline-powered cars. Christoph Lauterwasser, director of the Allianz Center for Technology, also noted that there are uncertainties in repairing damaged electric vehicles.

To reduce the high repair costs, the GDV is calling for better training for workshops and experts in repairing electric cars, as well as comprehensive diagnostic information and detailed instructions for repairing and partially replacing damaged battery units. Clear guidelines for handling vehicles involved in accidents are also essential. In addition, it is crucial to take precautions during the design phase of vehicles to protect batteries from potential damage in accidents.

Despite the higher repair costs, electric cars remain a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option in the long run. However, it is essential to address the challenges of repairing electric cars to ensure that they remain a viable alternative to gasoline-powered cars.

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