A new study by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has revealed when it is more environmentally friendly to heat and cook with electricity or natural gas. The study, which examined 25 countries, including Germany, found that the climate impact of electricity is primarily dependent on the energy mix, while natural gas is less harmful than coal and oil. However, the study also found that the climate advantage of natural gas over electricity is significantly reduced when gas leaks are taken into account. The researchers used local data to determine the emissions factor for cooking and heating with electricity and natural gas in each country.

The study found that in five nations, including Canada and Brazil, electricity already has an advantage over natural gas in terms of emissions. In countries like France and Belgium, nuclear energy contributes to a more favorable climate balance when it comes to electric cooking and heating. Germany, on the other hand, is one of twelve countries where the CO2 balance of gas and electricity has at least significantly adapted to each other. However, the study also found that in eight countries, including India, China, Poland, and Australia, natural gas remains the more environmentally friendly energy source for cooking and heating purposes.

The researchers concluded that the use of natural gas could remain more environmentally friendly than electricity in the future, particularly in countries where the majority of electricity is still generated from coal. However, the study also highlights the importance of increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix to make electricity a more environmentally friendly option for heating and cooking.

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