Elephants are known for their impressive trunks, which can be used for a variety of tasks. Researchers at Zoo Atlanta recently conducted an experiment to determine how quickly an elephant can drink water using its trunk. The results were astounding, with the elephant able to suck up water at a speed of 540 km/h or 150 m/s. This is 30 times faster than the speed at which a human sneezes. The researchers also discovered that elephants are able to increase the radius of their nostrils by up to 30%, which increases the overall volume of their nose by 64%.

To better understand the mechanics of the elephant trunk, the researchers examined the trunk of a deceased elephant. They were able to develop mathematical formulas to accurately calculate the properties of the trunk. The study, which was published in The Royal Society, suggests that the findings could be used to develop new technologies. For example, logistics robots or vacuum cleaners could be designed to be more efficient and energy-saving by using similar technology to that found in the elephant trunk.

The elephant trunk is a remarkable tool that has evolved over millions of years. Its ability to suck up water at incredible speeds is just one of its many impressive features. The research conducted by the team at Zoo Atlanta sheds new light on the mechanics of the trunk and could lead to the development of new technologies in the future. By understanding how the elephant trunk works, we can learn from nature and develop more efficient and effective tools for our own use.

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2021.0215

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