A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Amsterdam has found that a single cough from a person infected with COVID-19 can release infectious aerosol droplets in an elevator for up to 30 minutes. The researchers recommend wearing a mask with an aerosol filter and refraining from coughing or speaking in elevators to reduce the risk of transmission.

COVID-19 is primarily spread through droplets that are expelled when speaking, breathing, or coughing. Larger droplets typically fall to the ground quickly, but can remain in the air for up to 14 minutes. Aerosols, which are tiny suspended droplets, can remain in the air for several hours under certain conditions. This makes poorly ventilated indoor spaces a particular risk for COVID-19 transmission.

The study focused on elevators, which have limited air exchange and are used by many people each day. The researchers simulated a single cough in a typical elevator cabin using a spray can and then used a laser to measure the number and duration of aerosol droplets. They found that if the elevator doors remain closed after a cough, infectious aerosol droplets can remain in the air for up to 30 minutes.

The researchers recommend using masks with aerosol filters and avoiding coughing or speaking in elevators to reduce the risk of transmission. They also suggest that elevator operators keep the doors open when the elevator is not in use to improve air circulation. According to the study, keeping the doors open reduces the duration of aerosol droplets to two to four minutes.

In conclusion, elevators are a potential source of COVID-19 transmission, and precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of infection. The study’s findings highlight the importance of wearing masks and maintaining good ventilation in indoor spaces.

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