Medical experts warn that consuming just one energy drink can lead to a change in the endothelial function of blood vessels, increasing the risk of vascular diseases in the long run. A team of cardiologists from the McGovern Medical School in Houston conducted a study on 44 medical students aged around 20 years who were physically healthy and non-smokers. The researchers determined the flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) of the brachial artery, which is the widening of the artery that occurs in healthy individuals. A narrowing of the vasodilation indicates a disturbance in the endothelial function, as the endothelium provides signals for vasodilation. The researchers conducted the test on the participants twice, once before they consumed an energy drink and once after they consumed the drink one and a half hours earlier.

Before consuming the energy drink, the FMD was 5.1 percent, but after consuming the drink, the artery only widened by 2.8 percent. The researchers are unsure which ingredients in energy drinks are responsible for this effect, as these drinks often contain a variety of pharmacologically active substances such as taurine, herbs, or sugar. In addition to the impaired vascular function, other studies have shown that energy drinks can temporarily increase blood pressure and heart rate. They can also have an arrhythmogenic effect, as the taurine in energy drinks can prolong the QT interval. The researchers warn that people with genetic cardiomyopathies, who may not be aware of their condition as they do not show symptoms at a young age, are particularly at risk.

The researchers also provide an overview of several cases where young people suffered a heart attack or other serious cardiovascular events after excessive consumption of energy drinks. They advise all young people, adults with caffeine sensitivity, pregnant women, people with cardiovascular diseases, and those taking medication to avoid consuming energy drinks. Others should not consume more than one energy drink per day and should never mix it with alcohol or consume it directly before exercising. The findings of this study highlight the potential dangers of energy drinks and the need for caution when consuming them.

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