Researchers have discovered a way to convert other blood types into the universal blood type O, which can be transfused into anyone. Blood types A, B, AB, and O are determined by the presence or absence of A or B antigens on red blood cells. Type O is unique in that it has neither antigen. By removing the antigens from A or B blood, researchers at the University of British Columbia found that an enzyme from the human gut can convert these blood types into type O up to 30 times more efficiently than other enzymes previously tested. The researchers used metagenomics, a study of the genetic material of all organisms in an environment, to search for suitable enzymes. They found that some of the sugars on the mucins that line the gut wall are structurally similar to the A and B antigens. The enzymes that remove these sugars from the mucins were found to be highly effective at converting blood types.

Stephen Withers, a professor at the University of British Columbia, said that he is optimistic about the enzyme’s potential to convert donated blood into type O, but clinical trials are needed to ensure that there are no negative effects on the blood recipient. The researchers presented their findings at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston. The discovery could have significant implications for blood transfusions, as type O blood is in high demand and short supply. The ability to convert other blood types into type O could increase the availability of this life-saving resource.

In conclusion, researchers have discovered an enzyme in the human gut that can convert blood types A and B into the universal blood type O. The enzyme is up to 30 times more efficient than other enzymes previously tested. The discovery could have significant implications for blood transfusions, as type O blood is in high demand and short supply. Clinical trials are needed to ensure that there are no negative effects on the blood recipient, but the researchers are optimistic about the enzyme’s potential to increase the availability of this life-saving resource.

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