The US Department of Agriculture has recently approved a genetically modified apple from Canadian biotech company Okanagan Specialty Fruits. The Arctic Apple, as it is called, will never turn brown and will always look fresh and green. This is the first genetically modified apple to be approved in the US that will never brown and always look freshly picked. To naturally protect an apple from the browning process, one can treat it with lemon juice. However, this gives the apple a sour taste. Fast food chains coat their apples with calcium ascorbate to achieve the same effect, but without the unwanted taste. Okanagan Specialty Fruits wanted to create an apple that would always look fresh and green without using chemicals or lemon juice. They succeeded in creating an apple that will not brown naturally.

The natural browning process is caused by a reaction between phenols (a chemical compound) and polyphenol oxidase or PPO (an enzyme). If the apple is whole and has no pressure points, the two substances do not mix because they are separated by the apple cells. However, once the apple is cut, the cell walls are destroyed, and phenols and PPO mix, causing the apple to brown. To create an apple that does not brown over time, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, in collaboration with Australian researchers, developed a method to deactivate the PPO genes in the apple. This process can be applied to any apple variety. US authorities see no danger to humans and have given the evergreen apple their blessing. However, it will take some time before the first evergreen apples are available in all supermarkets.

While some see the Arctic Apple as a breakthrough in food technology, others are concerned about the potential risks of consuming genetically modified food. Critics include not only ordinary citizens but also the US Apple Association, which fears that the new varieties will have a negative impact on the holistic, healthy reputation of natural apples. They also demand clear labeling requirements for genetically modified fruit. Despite the controversy, the Arctic Apple is a significant achievement in the field of food technology and could have far-reaching implications for the future of agriculture.

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