A recent study conducted by researchers at the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin has found that FFP2 masks do not affect mental performance or vital parameters of wearers. While previous studies have primarily focused on the impact of masks on physical activity, this study aimed to investigate the effects of FFP2 masks on cognitive performance. FFP2 masks have been shown to provide better protection against SARS-CoV-2 infections than traditional surgical masks. However, critics have claimed that FFP2 masks can hinder oxygen intake, reduce performance, and even cause serious health problems.

The study involved a mental stress test with 44 participants who were asked to solve a series of mathematical problems with and without FFP2 masks. The researchers also collected behavioral data, physiological parameters, and subjective data on mental stress. The results showed that wearing FFP2 masks had no impact on the participants’ mental performance or vital parameters. The authors note that their study cannot be easily extrapolated to longer periods of mask-wearing.

This study provides valuable insights into the effects of FFP2 masks on cognitive performance and vital parameters. It also dispels some of the concerns raised by critics of FFP2 masks. The findings of this study can be used to inform public health policies and guidelines on the use of masks during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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